Yes. A support role can create a batch.
In order to create a batch, support role can:
1. Click on "Courses" in the side-navigation bar.
2. Select "Batches" from the drop-down.
3. Once done, click on the "Create Batch" button on the top-right corner of your screen in the batch page.
4. In the pop-up, select the course for which you intend to create a batch.
5. Click "Next" after selecting the batch.
6. Here, you can select whether you want to create batch in the main academy or an affiliate.
7. Check this box to share this batch with the affiliates.
8. Select the delivery mode for the batch that you are creating.
9. Enter the maximum batch size for the batch being created.
10. Enter the "Start Date" for the batch. Please note, you cannot create a batch with start date that has already passed.
11. Check this box if you intend to skip holidays while scheduling classes for this batch.
12. You can select an "End time" for a batch based on number of classes or End date.
13. Configure your time slots based on your needs here.
14. You can assign the "Web-conferenceing" from here in case the batch being created is a web-conference batch.
15. Select the Web-conference type from here.
16. Select the "Instructor" from here.
17. Save once the batch is created.