Can I add transactions for existing users? How?

Can I add transactions for existing users? How?

Yes, you can add transactions to an existing user.

Inorder to do that, you can:

1. Click on "Users" in the side navigation bar.

2. Once done, click on "Manage Users" from the drop-down.

3. You can search for the user you intend to add the transaction for from here.

4. Once done, click on "View" against the user for whom the transaction is to be added.

5. Click on the "Tools" button in the top-right corner.

6. Select the "Add Transaction" option from here as seen in the screenshot below.

From here, you can:

7. Select the batch ID

8. Enter the date of the transaction from here.

9. Enter the Correlation ID or Bank details from here.

10. Select the "Currency" from here.

11. Enter the amount here.

12. Enter the comments here.

13. "Save" once done.