While creating assessments, one can attach resources to the question if they choose. These resources could be an image, video, text containing a case study, etc., It is typically a reference that the student needs in order to answer the question.
Click on “Courses”
Choose “Content Repository”
Click on “Questions”
If it is for a new question,
Click on Create Question.
Then choose the question type as required and create the question.
Once done, you can add the resource by clicking on the “Attach resource” button as shown in the screenshot below and click on “Add” to add the question.
If it is for an existing question,
Click on the drop-down indicated by three dots next to the question you want to attach a resource to.
Click on “Edit”.
You will be taken to the “Create Question” pop-up. Click on “Attach Resource”. Here, you can attach either “file” or “link”
In order to attach a file:
Click on “File”
“Browse” and select the file that needs to be attached
Click on “Attach”.
In order to add a link:
Click on “Link”
Enter Link
Click on attach to add the link as resource.
NOTE – Supported file formats while adding a file as resource are:
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xl, .xls, .zip, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, mp3 and mp4 For multiple attachments, upload a zip file.
Supported links for adding links as a resource are:
YouTube, Ooyala and Vimeo.