How can I enable users in bulk?

How can I enable users in bulk?

In order to enable users in bulk, you can:

1 Click on “Users” in the side-navigation bar.

2. Select “Manage Users” from the drop-down.

3. Once done, set the “Status : All” filter to “Disabled”. 

The “Bulk Operations” button will be enabled after the checkbox against the user or the box indicated on the top is clicked.

4. Click the checkbox indicated here to select all the disabled users.

5. Click on the checkbox indicated against the users to select any particular user(s).

6. Once done, you can click on the “Bulk Operations” button.

7. Here, you can select the “Enable User(s)” option to enable all the users selected.

8. Confirm by clicking on “OK” in the pop-up to implement the changes made.

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