To Add Microsoft Teams Account in the SeekLMS Platform you need these details:
Application (client) ID
Client Secret(Value)
Directory (tenant) ID
User Principal Name.
To get the above details, follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 1: Create an application in Microsoft Azure
Step 2: Add permissions to the application created
Step 3: Generate Secret Key for the application
Step 4: Add(Internal/External) or Create(Internal) user
Step 5: Link application and user
Step 1: Create an application in Microsoft Azure
Login to (Microsoft Azure)Click on View of ‘Manage Azure Active Directory’.
On the Home Screen, Select ‘App registrations’ from the sidebar menu
And start creating a new application by clicking on the ‘New registration’ tab
Now add details like the Name of your application.
Select option ‘Accounts in this organizational directory only (<your company name> only - Single tenant)’
Select Web from the dropdown.
Add redirect URL as: https://<Your domain name>/apis/ms_teams_redirect/
Once you click on ‘Register’, you will be redirected to the Application page.
Copy/Save: To add in SeekLMS Platform
Application (client) ID
Directory (tenant) ID
Step 2: Add permissions to the application created
After creating the application Click on ‘API permissions’ from the sidebar menu and then click on the ‘Add a permission’ tab.
Then click on ‘Microsoft Graph’ -> ‘Delegated permissions’.
Search for offline and select offline access.
Search for calendar and select Calendars. Read, Calendars.Read.Shared, Calendars.ReadWrite, Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared.
Search for OnlineMeeting and select OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All, OnlineMeetings.Read, OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.
Once all the permissions are added click on ‘Grant admin consent.
Step 3: Generate Secret Key for the application
Select ‘Certificates and secrets’ from the sidebar menu.
Now copy the text in the value column. This will be your Client Secret(Value) to be added to the SeekLMS platform.
This will be shown only once. Copy it in some place.
You can either create a new user for your organization or add an already existing MS account.
Step 5: Link application and user
Once all the required licenses are added.
Select ‘Enterprise applications’ from the sidebar menu.
Click on Users(None selected/ user selected)
Click on all the users you want to give access permission to the application. On the right side of the screen.
Click on ‘select’. On the right side of the screen.
And finally, click on ‘Assign’.
Once you have copied all the credentials mentioned on the first page.
Come back to SeekLMS Platform.
Under Settings -> Web Conference -> MS Teams (tab) -> Click on Add MS Teams account and add the credentials, as shown in screen shot below.