How can I sync the assessment settings for a course?

How can I sync the assessment settings for a course?

In order to sync assessment settings, you can:

1. Click on “Courses” in the side navigation bar.

2. Select “Content Repository”

3. Once done, click on the “Assessments” tab.

4. Click on the drop-down indicated by three dots against the assessment for which you intend to change & sync settings.

5. Select “Edit”

6. Click on the “Settings” button as shown in the screenshot below to make the necessary changes.

7. Make the necessary changes here 

8. Save once done. 

9. Click on “Sync Settings” as shown in the screenshot. 

10. Click on the “Sync” button in the confirmation pop-up to sync the changes made in the assessments.

Once the sync is complete, you will receive an email.

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