How can teach-kits be created?

How can teach-kits be created?

In order to create a teach-kit, you can:

1. Click on “Courses” in side-navigation bar.

2. Select "Content Repository".

3. Click on “Teach-kits” as shown in the screenshot below.

4. Click on “Create Teach-kits”

Once done, you can:

5. Enter “Title” for the teach kit

6. Add “Course”

7. Add “Instructor Plan”

8. Add “Lesson Plan”

9. “Save and Continue”

  • You can:

Upload files, links, search for content on the platform, add a question or rich text as content.

Click Add to add the content to the teachkit.

The created teachkit(s) will appear here. 

You can use the buttons to switch between list view, preview and full screen. 

You can use the reorder and delete buttons as shown to reorder and delete the teachkits.
When you click on the page settings button, you can change the following page settings:
  1. Edit the title of the teachkit 
  2. Add Annotations in this text box
  3. Designate if these instructions are for the instructor by checking the box 
  4. Click on “Save” to save your page settings

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