What are the different reports that are accessible to coordinators?

What are the different reports that are accessible to coordinators?

Coordinator can access all the reports under "Course Reports".

In order to access the course reports, the coordinator can:

1. Click on "Reports" in the side-navigation bar.

2. Select "Course Progress Reports" 

3. Here, you will find the list of reports that can be accessed at our end.

The different reports that can be accessed are:

  • Course Progress Report - This gives a view to the coordinator about progress made by students for the courses assigned. Please note that the coordinator will be able to see the course progress reports only for the courses that are assigned to them.
  • Pending Evaluation Report - This report will give the coordinator all the assessments that are pending evaluation on the instructors for courses that are assigned to the instructor.
  • Course Discussions - This will allow coordinator to view the discussions for the courses assigned to the coordinator.
  • Course Interactions - This enables the coordinator to view the status of interactions that are added in the course modules such as questions, SCORM packages or Interactive videos.
  • Class Recordings - This will enable the coordinator to view the status of class recordings during web-conference batch.
  • Course Ratings - This will help the coordinator to view the ratings given by users for a particular course.
  • Invitations - Coordinator will be able to track the status of invites sent to users to enroll for a course.