What are the various filters seen under transactions?

What are the various filters seen under transactions?

The various filters seen under transactions are:

1. Main/Affiliate filter - When used, this filter will enable the user to switch between the main academy & affiliate academies.

2. Currency filter - The user can use this filter in order to filter for transactions in a particular currency.

3. Delivery Mode filter - This filter can be used in order to filter transactions for a particular delivery mode.

4. Course filter - Can be used to filter for transactions made for a particular course.

5. Transaction Date From filter - This can be used to filter transactions from a particular date.

6. Transaction Date To filter - Can be used to filter transactions to a particular date.

7. Filter button - Click this button in order to apply the changes made in any of the filters

8. Reset Filter button - Click here to reset all the changes made in the filter.

9. Search on Batch or Learner Email ID search bar - You can search transactions for a particular batch or an email ID from this search bar.

Please note that the search bar and other filters are independent of each other, i.e. filters applied will get reset when search is made on the Search on Batch or Learner Email ID search bar.

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