The widgets available on the dashboard are:
Class Schedule - This widget is available to learners and instructors. If they have any classes scheduled in their active batches, this will show up in the widget. Instructors can start classes from here and learners can join classes.
Pending Evaluation - This widget is available to instructors, coordinators and admininstrators. Instructors will be able to see the list of pending evaluations assigned to them; coordinators will be able to see all pending evaluations across batches for courses assigned to them and administrator will be able to see pending evaluations across all courses on the academy.
Discussions - This widget is visible to instructors, coordinators and administrators.Instructors will be able to see discussions relevant to their batches whereas coordinators will be able to see discussions across all batches - but only for courses assigned to them. Administartors will be able to view discussions across all courses/ batches on the academy.