What is the API rate Limit in Zoom ?

What is the API rate Limit in Zoom ?

This API has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. The API limit is hit when classes are created, edited and deleted.

Therefore, only 100 Create a Meeting API requests are permitted within a 24-hour window for a user.

Rate limits define the maximum number of requests which can be made by a single account in a given period of time. When a limit is exceeded, an API request will fail with an HTTP 429 status code returned.

Rate limits are applied at the account level and are shared by users for all apps installed on the account.

Rate limits are applied based on your account plan, with increases for all Business, Enterprise, Education, and Partner accounts.

APIs are grouped by Request Type, with unique rate limits for each. A “Rate Limit Label” is available on the API Reference for each endpoint.

Some APIs have limits on concurrent operations performed on a single resource, for example: simultaneous updates to a single user’s settings.