Affiliate Instructor
How can an Instructor add staff notes?
In order to add staff notes for a batch, an affiliate instructor needs to: Select “Courses” from the side navigation bar. Click on the course for which assessment is to be added. Once done, select the “Batches” tab and Select the batch for which the ...
How can an Instructor add assessments to a batch?
Only Admins and support can add/modify assessments in the batch. In order for an instructor to add/manage assessments, the first step is to give them the support access along with the Instructor profile - Select “Courses” from the side navigation ...
How can an instructor view the attendance of learners assigned to a batch?
In order to view the attendance for a batch, an affiliate instructor needs to: Select “Courses” from the side navigation bar. Click on the course for which assessment is to be added. Once done, select the “Batches” tab and Select the batch for which ...
How can an Instructor add assessment plan to a batch?
In order to add assessment plan for a batch, an affiliate instructor needs to: Select “Courses” from the side navigation bar. Click on the course for which assessment plan is to be added. Once done, select the “Batches” tab and Select the batch for ...