Web Conferences
How can I integrate a Zoom License with the platform? Zoom Account Setup
How to Setup the zoom account in SeekLMS You will need to have a paid account to get Zoom session attendance details. To Add Zoom Account to the SeekLMS Platform you will need these details: Account ID Client ID Client Secret To get the above ...
What is "Others" in web-conference type?
SeekLMS supports a web-conference type called “others” through which users can enter any web conference meeting link. Instructors will be able to start a class and learners will be able to join a class using the meeting links. Note: If the custom ...
What is the API rate Limit in Zoom ?
This API has a daily rate limit of 100 requests per day. The API limit is hit when classes are created, edited and deleted. Therefore, only 100 Create a Meeting API requests are permitted within a 24-hour window for a user. Rate limits define the ...
Can I integrate Google Meet with the platform? How?
Yes, Google Meet can be integrated with SeekLMS. However, only users with Google IDs will be able to join classes if GMeet is integrated. Below details are required to fill the Google Meet form. API key Client ID Client secret Refresh token Please ...
How can I integrate Go To Meeting with SeekLMS platform?
In order to integrate GoToMeeting Account you can: Signup on GoToMeeting via URL “https://www.gotomeeting.com/en-gb” Click on Start for free Fill all the details in Sign Up page Once signed up, go to “My Profile” Edit the Timezone to “GMT” Once this ...