Gamification Reports
What are the various reports accessible under Gamification?
The various reports accessible under the Gamification reports are: Points Report - Gives the details of the points earned by users with details such as event, date & type of points for a learner. Leader Board Report - Shows the leaderboard based on ...
How can I access the "Gamification Points" report?
In order to access the "Gamification Points" report, you can: Click on the "Reports" tab in the side navigation bar. Once done click on the "Points" under "Gamification" You will view the report once you click on the "Points" option as shown in the ...
How can I access the "Gamification Leaderboard" report?
In order to access the "Gamification Leaderboard" report, you can: 1. Click on the "Reports" tab in the side-navigation bar. 2. Select "Leaderboard" as shown in the screenshot below. You will view the report once you click on the "Leaderboard" option ...
How can I access the "Gamification Winners" report?
In order to access the "Gamification Winners" report, you can: 1. Click on the "Reports" tab in the side-navigation bar. 2. Select "Winners" as shown in the screenshot below. You will view the report once you click on the "Winners" option as shown in ...